Declare 2016 is 1 MONTH away! Can you believe it?!
As you start finalizing travel plans, packing bags, and making checklists for the kids—or for your hubby about the kids—please pencil in a few minutes to join in the fun … we’re hosting an ATTENDEE LINK-UP!
Since this is the 6th year of Declare, please create a post answering the following SIX questions:
1. If we were meeting in person, how would you introduce yourself? (job, family, career, ministry, where you live … share whatever details come to mind)
2. What is your favorite thing to write and why?
3. What is your favorite thing to read and why? (If this question is too broad for you avid readers, what’s a favorite book or blog you’ve read lately?)
4. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
5. What’s one thing you love about your blog and one thing you’d like to improve?
6. [Lightening Round] Would you rather …
- Read on Kindle or paperback?
- Drink coffee or tea?
- Go to a musical or a movie?
- Vacation at the beach or the mountains?
- Have an exciting night out or a relaxing night in?
- Watch sports, play sports, or no sports?
Please remember to include a recent picture of yourself! Provide your post link in the link-up below and get to know other Declare attendees in this fun way. It’ll make meeting face to face all the sweeter!
Still need to purchase your ticket for Declare 2016? Click here! A few tickets are still available for a limited time only!
See you at Declare!