photo @ completelycaroline
we are simply awe-struck. speechless. humbled. overjoyed. filled. inspired.
Declare 2014 was wildly wonderful. we are still amazed at how the messages were so perfectly woven together, and how beautifully “wild obedience” was put into words. God completely stole the show and yes- we wouldn’t have it any other way.
i learned a new word from a new friend: “connectional.” she was describing her experience at Declare. i had to look it up because i didn’t believe her that it was a real word 😉
- the act or state of connecting;
- the state of being connected;
- anything that connects;
- association; relationship;
- a circle of friends.
yes. that. exactly.
tell us about your experience at Declare. who did you connect with? what message spoke to your heart? what did God reveal to you? what is your WILD OBEDIENCE? we want to read your stories. please link up and share your Declare 2014 story here: