The sun is shining, temperatures are on an upward trend, everything is blooming, and the birds are chirping. Spring fever is here. I want to take a walk, organize the playroom, and lay by the pool leaving me thoroughly distracted from the goals and tasks before me. You too?
How do we stay motivated when life pulls us in the other direction? You may be like me, itching to get outside to enjoy the beautiful weather or life has taken a turn leaving you depleted, underwhelmed, or overwhelmed. In any case, we all could use a little bit of motivation from time-to-time.
Here are 10 ways to curb the creative block and stay motivated this Spring:
- Filter Excess Input. We are inundated with information. Words and stimulation come at us fast even when we aren’t looking. Find some healthy boundaries and limits that help you control the input so you can increase your output.
- Get Outside. There is nothing more energizing than stepping outside on a bright sun-shiny day; especially after a long, cold, and dark winter. Stand up. Step outside. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.
- Limit Social Media. We know the pros and cons of social media. However, somehow it continues to suck us in. Use the tools on your phone to give yourself a time limit. Social media can be an inspiration. It can also be a time-suck and comparison trap leaving us empty, discouraged, and out of time. Take a peek at your favorite follow and then get off. This world needs what you have to say. Don’t let social media rob you of that.
- Take Yourself Out to Lunch or Coffee. Get out of your four walls and go somewhere new. People watch. Take in the new scenery. Movement and change create movement and change in us. Let this new material add to your creative space.
- Walk Away. Sometimes the best thing we need is to walk away from what we are working on. Take a break. Go do something else for 5 minutes.
- Set It Down. Set down what you are working on and do something else that is creative outside of what you are working on. Turn up the music and have a personal dance party. Paint something (even if you’re not a painter). Rearrange some home décor. Have a personal karaoke party. Do something creative that isn’t the thing you are creating. It’s incredible how effective this is.
- Tell Someone. Share your dreams, your goals, or what you are working on with someone. Talking about your good work reignites your passion for your project. Don’t be shy. Talk it up and get excited again.
- Make It a Game. Set a timer for 10 minutes and give yourself a goal: 5 nonsensical sentences in 5 minutes. Then, 5 solid sentences in 5 minutes Make a game out of your work. Make it fun. Make it light. Make yourself smile, laugh, and relax.
- Make It Attainable. Make your goals easy to achieve. Small steps towards a larger goal. If your goals are too big, you’re motivation will wane. Small steps. Tiny goals. One foot in front of the other. Keep each step simple and easy to achieve. You will get to your destination. No need to drown yourself in overwhelm.
- Find a Buddy. Hello, Rally Local (wink wink. hint hint.) Find someone who will sit next to you and do their work while you do your work. Motivation sparks again when you have a buddy by your side.
Praying you can stay motivated to do the work God has called you to in this season and always!
“But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” -Psalm 1:2-3