Curious why your content isn’t getting the reactions or reach that you hoped for? Wondering why some posts get all the love while others seem invisible? You don’t have to be an analytic guru to crack the code on your content stats. Just ask yourself these questions (answer honestly!) and start creating content that connects!
- What is the point of this post? What is the intention of the post? When we scroll social media, we can almost always derive the reason for each post. Some common ones are to share a special moment, to promote or share a product or service, to encourage others, to prove a point, to establish our alignment with a cause or group of people, for accountability, to educate, to gain insight/information, picmto state an opinion, or to subtly boast/promote self (aka “humble brag”). Determine the point of your post by filling in the blank: I’m sharing this because ________.
- Does this sound like me? Is this authentic to who I am offline? Is this MY voice and tone and style? Or does this sound like someone else? Oftentimes, we subconsciously create content that looks and sounds like someone that we follow. We’ve watched them repeatedly and have become very familiar with their tone and style, so we “borrow” it to try on ourselves. We maybe think ‘it’s working for them so maybe it’ll work for me, too!’ Except, no. Trying to sound like someone else or share the same content in the way someone else does never works. Establish your unique voice and be confident in it! Try reading the post aloud to check if it feels naturally “you”. Check your other posts to see if this particular one is very different than the others.
- Who is this for? Is this post for me? Is this for someone specific? Is this for my audience*? *see Question 3 If the post is for someone specific, is it better off sent as a private message, text, or email? Who do you really hope sees/watches/listens/likes/shares your post? Be honest with yourself here 🙂 Oftentimes, shared content is meant to be saved to the camera roll or sent in a private text. Checking yourself here prevents oversharing! Finish this sentence: I am sharing this because _____ and I really hope ____ sees this!
- Who actually is my audience? Who is looking, watching, listening, liking and sharing your content? Family and IRL friends? Strangers who share similar interests as me? Clients and potential customers? People in need? Who are your posts resonating with the most? One peek behind the scenes of a recent post will tell you exactly that. Your audience is made up of the people whose needs you are meeting. Once you determine who your audience is, you can create content with that specific demographic in mind to better serve them.
- Where is my audience? Facebook? Instagram? TikTok? YouTube? Podcast? Twitter? Where are your people most active and interactive? Again, looking at where the most engagement is – comments, likes, and shares – will tell you the platform where your audience “lives.” You can then spend your time and effort on that platform, knowing you’re reaching the most people that want to connect with you. Spinning your wheels in another platform where there are crickets on your content is like selling snowsuits in Houston. 🙂
That’s it! Now go, create, and connect! Share your unique voice and message with your people, glorifying God in it all by honoring the call on your life.
Cheering you on! xo