As an international writing force, the women of Redbud Writers Guild spend a significant amount of time communicating on-line via our private Facebook group. Each little corner photo of every post symbolizes the colorful face and voice of one woman. Chat focuses on the merits of having an agent or going it alone on a project. Prayer requests are shared and prayers posted in response. Our most recent blog post or article is placed on the Weekly Round-Up for all to read. More than 125 writers committed to “fearlessly expanding the feminine voice in our churches, communities and culture,” create a sea of content. Despite our rapidly clicking fingers and speed reading skills, we can’t keep up with all of it, although we’d love to.
Once a year we meet at the Festival of Faith and Writing in Grand Rapids, MI or our Redbud Writers Guild retreat in Chicago. Here our little iconic corner pictures come alive and for three days we sit “live” in our circles, talking and learning, listening to the trials and joys of being a writer for the kingdom of God. We laugh at how different we all look in real life and how all of us really needs to post an updated photo that depicts our current age. So much of life on-line is meant to look perfect that upon seeing each other in our pajamas and no make-up, we breathe a collective sigh of relief that we are “real” women with real families, real faith, marked by the battle scars of being a writer.These retreats not only build community but provide refueling for the year ahead. They also remind us that, “Apart from me, you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
As much as we gain and grow in our community we know this is no substitute for sitting daily at the feet of Jesus. His Holy Spirit fills our words when we turn them over to him. When we surrender our books and articles they mold to his design, shape and character. Without time spent with the giver of life our words are empty pjs lying on the laundry room floor. As beautiful as creating in community can be, it dims in the light of cultivating our one-on-one relationship with Jesus. He is light, life and love. If you want to grow your writing life among women who love to sit at his feet and listen to his voice, come learn more at or visit our table at Declare 2016.
“With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.” 1st Corinthians 15:58 (MSG)