Eryn Hall has a heart for encouraging women to walk in faith and make the most of every day. She and her husband are raising 2 awesome world-changers, and they live in North Dallas. Eryn is called to champion Christian influencers, especially online, and is a founding member of Declare. You’re most likely to find her homeschooling her kids, coaching high school cheerleaders, on a Target run, enjoying chips and salsa on a patio, in line at Starbucks, or at home with her family.

Megan Fish is a writer, speaker, podcaster, and encourager of women. She is passionate about living boldly and vulnerably in the messy spaces and shares this on her blog, themessymingling.com. Her desire is to see Christianity be accessible to all, giving women the space to question their faith and find Jesus in their mess. She is married to her very best friend and a mama to three wild but wonderful young men. Connect with Megan on Instagram, Pinterest, or join The Messy Mingling Community over on Facebook. Visit her website at themessymingling.com. You can also hear her on her weekly podcast, Live Messy Podcast on Apple Podcasts.