How are you?
Answer honestly.
How are you, really?
The holiday season brings about excitement, anticipation, magic, joy, and memory-making moments. For some, this time can also usher in feelings of stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion. It’s easy to not get caught up in the hustle for many. Others, well, we get really excited and don’t realize we’ve been hustling until we fall into bed at the end of the day completely wiped.
You know what’s cool? We get to choose our hustle. We get to decide if our hustle will be holy or hurried. Will these moments be a joy or a burden? Sometimes we can’t control the schedule, the unexpected things that come our way in an already jam-packed schedule, or the family who says those things when we gather once a year. What we can control, however, is how we step into and respond to these moments.
We get to decide what our holiday hustle looks and feels like. Oh, what freedom!
Will your hustle be holy or hurried? Will you respond with gratitude and grace or overwhelm and stress? Are you will to take that thing off your plate? Yes, that one thing that makes you feel like you are really missing out if you don’t do it?
We know the reason for the Christmas season. We know in our hearts it’s all about Jesus, but sometimes our heads get jumbled with to-dos and activities. Jesus calls us to rest. In Him, we find rest for our souls (Matthew 11:28-30). How can you rest in the hustle? What can you do today that re-centers your soul?
No matter the time of year, we’ve all found ourselves in a busy season. When you get there, whether it’s now or in the future, ask yourself how you can make this moment of hustle holy. How can you work through the busy with the mindset of giving glory to God through every action and interaction? What can you lay down?
The most freeing feeling is knowing we get to decide. Today is no different. Let’s make that hustle holy.